Creative logo redesign for Fort Lauderdale’s Marina Mile Yachting Center strengthens name recognition.

A logo is a crucial aspect of the branding and name recognition of any business. A well-designed and carefully though-out logo can determine how quickly the name of a business becomes “engraved” in people’s memories.
Marina Mile Yachting Center—a Fort Lauderdale based marina and shipyard—had been using the logo shown above-left for a number of years, and while the investors and managers loved the nautical flags and were eager to retain them, they knew their logo needed some work.
After detailed analysis of their initial image, we made a number of suggestions that resulted in the new logo (above-right), which was quickly accepted and adopted by team.
These are some of the benefits of the new logo redesigned for Marina Mile Yachting Center:
- The name is the most important aspect of the logo, and it is no longer overshadowed by the flags.
- The new typography is easier to read from a distance, especially on signage made to be identified from boats in the water.
- The name is broken down into two lines and two color groups (navy and grey), making it easier on the eye and on the reader’s brain. MarinaMile now appears as the main name, and YachtingCenter serves as a reminder of their service and what they do.
- The flags are still here, serving as a connection to their previous image, and linking with a lot of existing materials.
- “Fort Lauderdale” identifies their current location, and resonates with international audiences, when people in the Med see this logo in a marina directory, they’ll know MMYC is in Fort Lauderdale. The previous reference to “Marina Bay” was more obscure and difficult to identify.
We tend to ask a lot of questions at the beginning of a logo design project, because far beyond a simple pretty-picture, a logo is a 1-symbol translation of the brand, concept and mission of any business.
For questions on branding and logo design projects, or for a consultation that may help you find out whether your logo needs a facelift, please contact: |
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