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This up-and-coming Fort Lauderdale Shipyard and Marina proves that good design, structure and website maintenance pay off and attract visitors.

Marina Mile Yachting Center has experienced great success with their new website. Before the site was launched, it wasn’t so easy to find this Fort Lauderdale Shipyard online, but this has steadily changed and nowadays is a popular spot for the latest news on local yachting refits, special offers, deals on boat renovation projects, and even boat maintenance tips.

MMYC, as they’re often referred to, was open to creating a new marina website with a distinct nautical feel to it. We worked on a website structure that was extremely easy to navigate, and proposed a blog with a maintenance schedule that was suitable for them. The blog’s outcome has been fantastic, and the key has been sticking to the posting schedule so visitors know that the news here are always fresh. Search engines like this and the results speak for themselves as MMYC shows up on countless web searches today.

The team at Marina Mile Yachting Center understands that a website design is a constantly evolving project, and new sections are added frequently to satisfy their growing needs.

For questions or information on any design projects, please contact:  |

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