Finding the balance between work and personal life.

I am supporter of keeping personal life separate from work, but there are exceptions to that rule. As a business owner, artist and graphic designer, I am also a woman, wife and mother, recently blessed for the second time with a baby girl.
Over the past few months I have felt increasingly guilty about not keeping the Studiorod blog updated, not staying on top of our Facebook page, not being very active on LinkedIn and other promotional projects that I had put on hold.
Life with a toddler and a newborn baby is beautiful but also time-consuming and at times a little complicated. When trying to figure out how to happily survive the initial period (which is usually the hardest), and most importantly how to get organized for this new chapter, I decided to focus on keeping family happy, and keeping clients happy. I also gave myself permission “not to do everything”.
To me this meant staying with the basics. I would work as hard as possible so my clients would continue to have the best of my creative skills, business sense and speed. And so for the past few months I have devoted all of my working time to my fabulous and most loyal clients.
Being a designer and a mom of two will require extra skills, which I am learning every day, but as I get more experience—and more sleep—I feel it’s time to do some of the self-promo things I enjoy and constantly recommend to clients. So I’m back to the blog and to sharing some of the wonderful work recently done, and who knows, maybe I’ll make more exceptions to share what I’m learning about how to brainstorm a new brand design with watercolors and crayons.
One thing is certain, kids definitely keep our creative side alive, so my sketchbook is packed with great ideas and I’m excited about all the new projects in the works.
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