Well known South Florida dialysis centers launch fresh branding and logo design.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:25AM
Natalia Rodriguez in Branding, Dialysis Treatment, Health Services, Logo design, UKC Universal Kidney Centers

A well designed logo is the cornerstone of successful branding for any business, and United Kidney Centers, a growing name in the field of Dialysis Treatment in South Florida, has just launched their new corporate look which will become the foundation of their brand.

The new linear and clean design will be memorable for patients and industry professionals alike. It will also provide easy implementation within the organization as their marketing becomes consolidated and unified. 

For questions or information on any design projects, please contact:
natalia@studiorod.com  |  www.studiorod.com

Article originally appeared on Fort Lauderdale creative graphic design studio and professional freelance graphic designer (http://www.studiorod.com/).
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